Stott, Hollow, Windham & Stancil, PLLC

Stott, Hollow, Windham & Stancil, PLLC
Legal Attorneys Legal Services Title Services
Stott, Hollowell, Windham & Stancil, PLLC offers legal knowledge and experience spanning back decades to provide quality legal services to the greater Gaston and Charlotte regions. Focusing on family law, estate administration, real estate, elder abuse, personal injury, and estate planning, Stott, Hollowell, Windham & Stancil, PLLC is recognized as a trusted legal firm serving the area. Our team of ten attorneys have come together with a world-class staff in order to provide forward-thinking and client-oriented legal services. We are committed to serving all people, including the LGBTQ community and the unique legal issues which LGBTQ individuals, couples, and families deal with.
Additional Info
Business Hours : 9-5 Monday through Friday

Membership Type
Small Business Member